Brisbane Park Infant School
Reporting Concerns
Reporting Concerns of Abuse for Children and Adults
Most children experience the most loving and secure childhoods possible. Unfortunately, some children do still suffer abuse. We have a full curriculum and support system, in school, to suppport children to grow up to be well-rounded and great members of their community. We do also have support for children, for whom this is not the case.
Growing up and reaching adulthood is usually a wonderful experience. Some of us achieve academic qualifications, pass practical courses, find a partner, have children, work etc. Adult life can be very challenging, especially if you have had a difficult childhood. There is help out there for you. please speak to someone in school or use the resurces below.
Support services for children:
Childline: Childline are a charity that provide a helpline for children, who need to talk to someone about their worries. https://www.childline.org.uk/ Tel: 0800 1111
NSPCC (National Society for th Prevention of Cruelty to Children): THe NSPCC have many ideas for how to keep children safe. https://www.nspcc.org.uk/keeping-children-safe/
Support services for adults:
Samaritans: The Samaritans are trained volunteeers, available 24 hours a day 365 days a year, to talk to if you need support. https://www.samaritans.org/ Tel: 116123 Email: jo@samaritans.org
Victims of Sexual Harrassment or Abuse: There is so much support out there, if you have been the victim of sexual abuse. More victims are coming forward to share their stories. There are dedicated helplines or forums, where you can speak to someone.
NSPCC: New helpline for people who have experienced sexual harassment or abuse in education. https://www.nspcc.org.uk/about-us/news-opinion/2021/sexual-abuse-victims-schools-helpline/
Everyone's Invited: A new website where you can read about, or even submit, an experince of sexual harrrassment or abuse. It has been a well-advertised website, with the tragic death of Sarah Everhard. https://www.everyonesinvited.uk/