Brisbane Park Infant School
Welcome to Eagle Owl Class!
Welcome to Eagle Owl class. Mrs Mackenzie is our class teacher. Mrs Stewart is our senior teaching assistant and Miss Atkinson is our apprentice teaching assistant. We are a mixed year 1 and year 2 class who have fun together, work hard and always try our best in all aspects of school life.
We will be having another exciting term and continuing to learn lots whilst having fun.
In English we will be using the books Handa’s Surprise, Grandma’s List, Once Upon a Raindrop and looking at different poems. For our whole class reading sessions we will be looking at Oliver Jeffers books.
On Tuesdays and Fridays we have PE with Mrs Mackenzie on Tuesday and Barrow Raiders on Friday. Please remove all jewellery on these days and arrive at school in your P.E. kits.
If you have any questions, concerns or worries please come and see me, call or email school.
Thank you,
Mrs Mackenzie