Brisbane Park Infant School
Building Safety
We constantly monitor the building to ensure that the children, staff and visitors are safe. It is really important that the staff and children feel safe so they can teach and learn in a relaxed environment.
Premises Security and Staff Presence
Whilst the children are in school the building and premises are secure. We do rely on parents and visitors to maintain this safety. The main gate, at the front entrance, operates a locked door. Access into the building is to ring the bell and a member of staff will let you in. If they are visitor to the school, they will need to sign in and will be provided with a sticker.
Staff are on site from 7.30am, breakfast club starts at 7.45am the doors open for school at 8.50am. Mrs Maddrick will be at the front entrance door and Mrs Sweeting and Mrs Clarke will be outside. Staff then open and man the building entrance at 3.00pm, until all the children have gone home. We do ask parents not to stop or park on by our Parking People, to ensure child safety.
If you are worried about any aspects of this then please speak to a member of staff.
Risk Assessments
The building has a variety of risk assessments completed at regular intervals. These include: Water, fire, classrooms, electrical equipment, playground equipment etc.