Brisbane Park Infant School
Curriculum at Brisbane Park
At Brisbane Park we seek the highest standards of attainment for all our children. We aim to help our children to become independent learners. Above all we believe learning is fun.
We promote our school vision statement - ‘Believe in Yourself.’
We believe that learning is a shared commitment that involves children, parents, governors and staff to ensure our children are given the best possible learning opportunities.
We use KAPOW planning for our Foundation subjects, Science and RE, teachers adapt plans to suit the needs of their classes. We use White Rose Maths for our Maths work and planning is adapted by teachers as needed. Our English work is based around high quality texts to engage children in reading and writing. We ensure children achieve high standards in all subjects whilst having the opportunity to learn life skills through developing confidence and independence through British Values.
For any questions about our curriculum please contact Mrs Kathy Muldoon, Curriculum Leader